Let's Hangout.

Just a few of the memorable, inspiring, funny, inventive, celebratory, educational, sing-along-able, industrious, adventurous Hangouts from the last year. Starting your own Hangout is easy, just click the Hangout button in Google+ or Gmail.

Google+ Basics (videos)

New Google+ User: Google+ Videos

1. Google+: Set Up Your Profile
2. Google+: Sharing
3. Google+: There's more to explore
4 Google+: About Circles
5. Google+: Reading and Responding
6. Google+: Broadcast Your Hangout To The World
7. Google+: Getting Started With Hangouts On Air
8. Google+ Events: Introducing a new way to get together
9. Introducing Google+ Events
10. Google+: Organize your photos
12. Google+: See who a post is shared with
13. Google+: Edit your Photos
14. Google+: Manage the content in your stream
15. Google+: Switching between your profile and page
16. Google+: Search and trending topics
17. Google+: Photo tagging
18. Google+: Mention someone in a post
19. Google+: +1 across the web
20. Google+: Visibility of content
21. Google+: Sharebox and Notifications
22. Google+: Start a Hangout
23. Google+: Find People You Know
24. Google+: Customize Your Settings
25. Google+ Events: Share event photos instantly with Party Mode
26. Google+ Events: Make your invitations stand out
27. Google+ Events: See everyone's event photos in one place
28. Google+ Events: Creating an event with Google+
29. Google+: Share Photo Albums

Source: Denis Labelle  

Gain visibility by verifying your Google+ page

Social Fridays: Gain visibility by verifying your Google+ page - Inside AdSense: "Friday, September 14, 2012 --"Every Friday, we’re posting Google+ tips to help publishers make the most of all of the features and resources available. Be sure to check back each week for the latest in our educational Social Fridays series! Now that you’re regularly posting content to your Google+ page and using features like Hangouts, we’ll move on to the importance of verifying your +page. What does it mean to verify a +page? Verifying your +page confirms that the +page actually belongs to you. Once your +page is verified, it’ll appear with a checkmark designed to help our users find what they’re looking for. . . ."

Google Flights Tip

When you're looking for an affordable flight from the United States or Canada, Google's Flight Search feature can help you find the lowest prices by date. Let's say you're planning on flying from New York to London for a seven day trip in December. On google.com/flights, enter the arrival and departure locations and click on the chart icon in the right corner and a calendar will appear. Select how many days you'd like your trip to last and the calendar instantly updates to show the dates with the lowest fares. When you click on one of the bars -- say, December 11 slated for $698 -- you'll see flight options appear for that price. From there, you can select the flight you want and hit "Book" to finish your purchase knowing that you've done your research and saved some dough in the process. 

Maps We Like and Why We Like Them (video)

Paul and Chris talk about their favorite maps, why they like them, and how they find cool maps.

Google Games Chat (#3) video

Chatting about games, industry trends, and making bold new predictions that will probably look ridiculously wrong in three years.

Google+ Adds New Features Aimed at Businesses

Aug. 29 (Bloomberg) --Emily Chang reports on new updates for Google+. She speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg West." (Source: Bloomberg)

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