Google+ traffic soars - 66 percent increase in nine months

Google+ traffic soars: 66 percent increase in nine months | The Verge: "Traffic analytics site ComScore has revealed a large increase in visits to Google+. According to ComScore, the number of unique visitors to the social network has increased by 66 percent over the last nine months, with an estimated 110.7 million international visitors in June. In the US, traffic increased from 15.2 million to 27.7 million visitors over the same period. While the stats aren't official, they do align with figures released by other traffic analysts earlier this month. ComScore also detailed Facebook's US figures from November through to June, noting a drop from 166 million to 159.8 million over the period. PR consultant Morten Myrstad, who shared the figures, appropriately, on Google+, points out that although Facebook's lead has dropped slightly, the unique visitor numbers don't take into account how long users spend on the site, or return visits."

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