Google Retail Stores

A Google Retail Store? Why It's Not As Crazy As It Sounds - Forbes: ". . . Google already has some retail experience. It has “pop-up” Chrome stores inside several hundred Best Buy stores, for instance, that are staffed by people trained by Google. So it’s not as much of a stretch as it might seem.

* The stores would help expand the reach of Google’s brand. At the same time, Google’s brand currently is so well-known and largely well-regarded, its logo so ubiquitous, its very name a common verb, that Google stores wouldn’t represent a big leap in consumers’ minds. It could even sell Google clothes and other brand-oriented gear.

* The stores could serve as a showcase for products made by Google Android partners such as Samsung and Acer. Samsung’s Chromebooks have gotten mostly good reviews, for instance, but even a $250 computer is something most people will want to try out in person first. Same with a $150-plus Galaxy S III, no matter how funny those Samsung ads lampooning Apple fanboys are. . . . "

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