Some Businesses Should Delete Google+ Local Page

Useful to know--

Service Area Business with a verified social local Google+ page? - Google Groups: "Are you a Service Area Business (SAB) that has created and verified/merged a social local Google+ page for your business? . . . If you do not accept customers at your location, then your address should be hidden. At this time, Google+ currently does not support hidden addresses. You should delete your social local Google+ page from within Google+ (Click on Pages on the ribbon on the left, go to the Settings of your page, and scroll to the bottom and click Delete page). Don’t worry! You can still manage your business’ presence on Google. Here’s how:
If you’re a verified business owner in Google Places for Business...
Manage the listing via the Google Places for Business dashboard. Be sure to hide your address.
If not, but a listing for your business exists...
Find the listing for your business and become a verified business owner by clicking on Manage this page on the right-hand side. 
Then, manage the page via the Google Places for Business dashboard
If no listing for your business exists...
Add it on Google Places for Business:
We’ll share updates with you on this thread when we have them."

Forum discussion at Google Local Help.

Using Google Sites to Manage your next project

Great article in Tech Republic about using Google Sites for projects (excerpt below):

Manage your next project with Google Sites | TechRepublic"You can use Google Apps to track and manage your “next action” lists and reference material in various forms:
Manage task list and budgets with Sheets,
Manage timelines with Calendars, and
Track meeting minutes and decisions with Docs.

A Google Site lets you add context to your lists and reference materials at a dedicated project website. Your Site can give an overview of the project, including the timeline, budget and people involved. And you can even discuss all of these items on a Site discussion forum.

Most importantly, you can share access to the project Site with other people. Your project site can be public for the world to see, or restricted to specific people. Be sure to allow time in your workflow to configure the site, and make sure your collaborators can access the Site.

Here’s how to create a basic Google Site for a project using a template:

1. Login to Google Apps, and then click “Sites” in the black menu bar at the top of the screen.

2. Click the “Create” button. (The “Create” button is in nearly the same location on the screen as the “Compose” button within Gmail.)

3. You can either customize your own site format, or use a template. I suggest you use a template (Figure A) for your first site. . . . "  Read more here

Google Search from outside the US

Searching from outside the US--

Google search outside the US - Google Groups: "If you search from, the initial results pages will default to global. There might appear to be a preponderance of US content, but this probably reflects the volume of US content on the global web, rather than any bias on Google's part.. . . don't forget that ".com" domain names can be registered in any country, so the presence of .com results doesn't necessarily indicate US content. In fact, any bias in the search algorithm would take into account your location, either as detected by Google from your IP address, or as recorded by you in Search Settings. If you want to exclude global content, you have the option to filter only "Pages from the UK". . . . it would be nice to set local results as default from the search home page. However, there are a couple of workarounds which might help. Once you have performed a search from and selected "Pages from the UK", bookmark the results page and then always search from there rather than from the search home page. Alternatively, bookmark|countryGB for your searching."

Google Play to distribute internal Android apps

Official Google Enterprise Blog: A new way to distribute your internal Android apps: "The Google Play Store is the place to find Android apps like the Google+ app, the Google Drive app and hundreds of thousands more. Today we’re expanding the Google Play Store for our Google Apps customers to help you distribute internal apps to your employees through the Google Play Private Channel. Whether you’ve built a custom expense reporting app for employees or a conference room finder, the Google Play Private Channel is designed to make your organization’s internal apps quick and easy for employees to find. Once your company has loaded these internal apps using the Google Play Developer Console, users just need to log in with their company email address to browse the Private Channel and download apps . . ."

Publish your website on Google Drive (video)

Google Drive SDK: Publishing your website on Google Drive - YouTube: a new feature of the Google Drive SDK: the ability to publish a website from a Google Drive folder.

Announcing Google Drive Site Publishing - Google Apps Developer Blog: "Would you like to programmatically publish some web content? Or let your users do so in the context of your Drive app? This is possible now with Google Drive. Your app can now insert static web assets in a publicly shared folder, and then serve those files directly to users via file names in a relative path. Google Drive site publishing supports JavaScript, so it's even possible to run a JavaScript Drive app directly from Drive. Publishing from Drive is a simple, two-step dance: create a public folder and use a link to the root folder — the webViewLink — to publish its contents. You can refer to the Drive SDK documentation for full detail on how to work with public folders and content links, but basically the requirements are: The folder containing site assets must be public. Assets added to public folders must also be public on the web. Link to the files contained in the folder using the webViewLink (included in the folder’s JSON representation)."

Practical aspects of developing Google Maps applications

Streamed live on Nov 20, 2012 - Google Maps Developer Relations Team members Mano Marks and Brendan Kenny discuss practical aspects of developing Google Maps applications. In this episode, Mano and Brendan will delve into common mistakes people make in developing Maps applications.

Google Pulls Together Public Alerts in Wake of Hurricane Sandy

Google Pulls Together Public Alerts in Wake of Hurricane Sandy: "Google has bundled its Public Alerts services, which provide information and warnings during emergencies, into Google Search, Google Maps and into its Android Maps and Google Now apps on devices running Jelly Bean. The announcement came just after the height of Hurricane Sandy, which pummeled much of the East Coast with hurricane-force winds, heavy rains, flooding, downed tree limbs and massive power outages stretching from Boston to Maryland."

Building footprints in Google Maps

Google Lat Long: Expanded coverage of building footprints in Google Maps: "As we go about our daily travels, we often rely on buildings to orient ourselves, locate landmarks and navigate from place to place. So today, we’re expanding the coverage of building footprints that are already available in Google Maps. Now, you can see 25 million new building footprints that have been added to Google Maps on desktop and mobile across major metropolitan regions in the United States, including Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, and the San Francisco Bay Area. This expansion is part of our ongoing effort to provide you with maps that are as comprehensive as possible."

Transparency Report: Government requests on the rise

Worth reading, and troubling--

Transparency Report: Government requests on the rise | Official Google Blog: "When we first launched the Transparency Report in early 2010, there wasn’t much data out there about how governments sometimes hamper the free flow of information on the web. So we took our first step toward greater transparency by disclosing the number of government requests we received. At the time, we weren’t sure how things would look beyond that first snapshot, so we pledged to release numbers twice a year. Today we’re updating the Transparency Report with data about government requests from January to June 2012. This is the sixth time we’ve released this data, and one trend has become clear: Government surveillance is on the rise. As you can see from the graph below, government demands for user data have increased steadily since we first launched the Transparency Report. In the first half of 2012, there were 20,938 inquiries from government entities around the world. Those requests were for information about 34,614 accounts."

Hangout: Bringing telework into your business

From "Down Under"--

ZDNet Hangout: Bringing telework into your business | ZDNet: "Do you work remotely? Join our Google Hangout tomorrow, Tuesday, November 13, at 1 p.m. AEDST." (Australia) . . . The discussion will look at what the government is doing to encourage businesses to take up teleworking, what technology is required, how small businesses can get onboard, and what sort of organisations and people are best suited to teleworking. National Telework Week is being held this week by the Australian government in partnership with 138 organisations from a variety of industries. Its purpose is to encourage as many employers and employees as possible to trial teleworking. The federal government is promoting the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN) as a key driver for the uptake of teleworking across the country. To watch this hangout, return to this page at 1 p.m. tomorrow, when we will be broadcasting live.

Sounds interesting!

Google renames productivity apps for Chrome users

Google renames productivity apps for Chrome users | ZDNet: "Google's productivity tools have gained new names, and users can now deploy them as apps in the Chrome Web Store. The Document, Spreadsheet and Presentation tools — rivals to Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint respectively — originally went under the Google Docs banner, before that got folded into Google Drive in April. Now, according to a Google Drive post on Tuesday, they are called Docs, Sheets and Slides. The renaming came alongside the release of Docs, Sheets and Slides as individual Chrome Web Store apps. For those running Chrome on a standard PC, there is no difference between installing those apps and simply bookmarking them within the browser."

Google+ Local: Competing for Visibility

Google+ Local: Competing for Visibility from Dave Cosper - Dave Cosper of EZlocal, Inc. covering the important ranking factors affecting your Google+ Local Page. A practical Local SEO guide for SMB marketers.

Beautiful!--a laptop for everyone!

Everyone needs one of these--

Official Google Blog: "The new Chromebook is a great computer at any price, but it’s an incredible computer at $249. It’s one of the lightest laptops on the market. You can easily carry it around all day—it’s 2.5 pounds, a mere 0.8 inches thick, with more than 6 hours of battery life for the typical user. And with 100 GB of free storage on Google Drive*, you can get to all of your stuff anytime, anywhere."

Let's Hangout.

Just a few of the memorable, inspiring, funny, inventive, celebratory, educational, sing-along-able, industrious, adventurous Hangouts from the last year. Starting your own Hangout is easy, just click the Hangout button in Google+ or Gmail.

Google+ Basics (videos)

New Google+ User: Google+ Videos

1. Google+: Set Up Your Profile
2. Google+: Sharing
3. Google+: There's more to explore
4 Google+: About Circles
5. Google+: Reading and Responding
6. Google+: Broadcast Your Hangout To The World
7. Google+: Getting Started With Hangouts On Air
8. Google+ Events: Introducing a new way to get together
9. Introducing Google+ Events
10. Google+: Organize your photos
12. Google+: See who a post is shared with
13. Google+: Edit your Photos
14. Google+: Manage the content in your stream
15. Google+: Switching between your profile and page
16. Google+: Search and trending topics
17. Google+: Photo tagging
18. Google+: Mention someone in a post
19. Google+: +1 across the web
20. Google+: Visibility of content
21. Google+: Sharebox and Notifications
22. Google+: Start a Hangout
23. Google+: Find People You Know
24. Google+: Customize Your Settings
25. Google+ Events: Share event photos instantly with Party Mode
26. Google+ Events: Make your invitations stand out
27. Google+ Events: See everyone's event photos in one place
28. Google+ Events: Creating an event with Google+
29. Google+: Share Photo Albums

Source: Denis Labelle  

Gain visibility by verifying your Google+ page

Social Fridays: Gain visibility by verifying your Google+ page - Inside AdSense: "Friday, September 14, 2012 --"Every Friday, we’re posting Google+ tips to help publishers make the most of all of the features and resources available. Be sure to check back each week for the latest in our educational Social Fridays series! Now that you’re regularly posting content to your Google+ page and using features like Hangouts, we’ll move on to the importance of verifying your +page. What does it mean to verify a +page? Verifying your +page confirms that the +page actually belongs to you. Once your +page is verified, it’ll appear with a checkmark designed to help our users find what they’re looking for. . . ."

Google Flights Tip

When you're looking for an affordable flight from the United States or Canada, Google's Flight Search feature can help you find the lowest prices by date. Let's say you're planning on flying from New York to London for a seven day trip in December. On, enter the arrival and departure locations and click on the chart icon in the right corner and a calendar will appear. Select how many days you'd like your trip to last and the calendar instantly updates to show the dates with the lowest fares. When you click on one of the bars -- say, December 11 slated for $698 -- you'll see flight options appear for that price. From there, you can select the flight you want and hit "Book" to finish your purchase knowing that you've done your research and saved some dough in the process.

Maps We Like and Why We Like Them (video)

Paul and Chris talk about their favorite maps, why they like them, and how they find cool maps.

Google Games Chat (#3) video

Chatting about games, industry trends, and making bold new predictions that will probably look ridiculously wrong in three years.

Google+ Adds New Features Aimed at Businesses

Aug. 29 (Bloomberg) --Emily Chang reports on new updates for Google+. She speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg West." (Source: Bloomberg)

Google+ for Businesses (video)

Google+ for Businesses (video) - See how businesses around the globe are using Google+ to get noticed, enhance their ads, and connect with their audience. Get started at

RUM capabilities available in Google Analytics

How well does your site perform? Are the slow pages affecting your conversation rates or driving away potential visitors and clients? In this perfcast, we will talk with Justin Cutroni and Ilya Grigorik about the new "real user measurement" (RUM) capabilities available in Google Analytics: we will discuss how the data is collected, what it means, and take a deep dive into some of the advanced use cases of how you can leverage this data within Google Analytics.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Google Plus (a/k/a Google+)

Google+ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Google+ (pronounced and sometimes written as Google Plus, sometimes abbreviated as G+) is a multilingual social networking and identity service[2][3] owned and operated by Google Inc. It was launched in June 28, 2011.[4] As of June 2012, it has a total of 250 million registered active users[1]. Although the general public has come to understand the concept of an online social network, Google calls Google+ a "social layer" which is not just a destination site, but rather something that Google has added as a layer across many of its properties.[5] . . . . " Read the full Wikipedia article for more.

Googleplus for Business

John introduces Pages with a few thoughts on relationships with customers. Check out some ways we've been rethinking real-life sharing for the web at

Google+ traffic soars - 66 percent increase in nine months

Google+ traffic soars: 66 percent increase in nine months | The Verge: "Traffic analytics site ComScore has revealed a large increase in visits to Google+. According to ComScore, the number of unique visitors to the social network has increased by 66 percent over the last nine months, with an estimated 110.7 million international visitors in June. In the US, traffic increased from 15.2 million to 27.7 million visitors over the same period. While the stats aren't official, they do align with figures released by other traffic analysts earlier this month. ComScore also detailed Facebook's US figures from November through to June, noting a drop from 166 million to 159.8 million over the period. PR consultant Morten Myrstad, who shared the figures, appropriately, on Google+, points out that although Facebook's lead has dropped slightly, the unique visitor numbers don't take into account how long users spend on the site, or return visits."

Welcome to my Blog! and Follow me on Google+

Welcome to my blog! Hope you enjoy it--and follow me on Google+

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