Some Businesses Should Delete Google+ Local Page

Useful to know--

Service Area Business with a verified social local Google+ page? - Google Groups: "Are you a Service Area Business (SAB) that has created and verified/merged a social local Google+ page for your business? . . . If you do not accept customers at your location, then your address should be hidden. At this time, Google+ currently does not support hidden addresses. You should delete your social local Google+ page from within Google+ (Click on Pages on the ribbon on the left, go to the Settings of your page, and scroll to the bottom and click Delete page). Don’t worry! You can still manage your business’ presence on Google. Here’s how:
If you’re a verified business owner in Google Places for Business...
Manage the listing via the Google Places for Business dashboard. Be sure to hide your address.
If not, but a listing for your business exists...
Find the listing for your business and become a verified business owner by clicking on Manage this page on the right-hand side. 
Then, manage the page via the Google Places for Business dashboard
If no listing for your business exists...
Add it on Google Places for Business:
We’ll share updates with you on this thread when we have them."

Forum discussion at Google Local Help.

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