Marking the birth of the modern-day Internet

Marking the birth of the modern-day Internet | Official Google Blog: " . . . with hindsight, it’s obvious it was a momentous occasion. On that day, the operational Internet was born. TCP/IP went on to be embraced as an international standard, and now underpins the entire Internet. It’s been almost 40 years since Bob and I wrote our paper, and I can assure you while we had high hopes, we did not dare to assume that the Internet would turn into the worldwide platform it’s become. I feel immensely privileged to have played a part and, like any proud parent, have delighted in watching it grow. I continue to do what I can to protect its future. I hope you’ll join me today in raising a toast to the Internet—may it continue to connect us for years to come. . . . Vint Cerf, VP and Chief Internet Evangelist"

Thanks Vint--and congratulations on the anniversary!

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