Why I do not use WordPress

Why don't I use WordPress? Read below--

On Tech Woes « naked capitalism: "Two weeks ago, we had two bad crashes, both after 5:00 AM when site traffic was low. This meant it almost certainly had to do with WordPress rather than our servers (which a 24/7 webhost runs) particularly since I called them, nothing had fallen over on their end and rebooting the site didn’t fix anything. The result each time was I didn’t get to bed until 8 AM or so each time, plenty upset because I could not raise my WP guy . . . installing some plug-ins seems to have caused problems with comments . . . We’ve also determined we need someone who can be 24/7 but we don’t have a solution yet (or even references save WordPress VIP, . . . Our webhost, who runs a fair number of pretty high traffic sites, said basically that WordPress is the problem, and the only company he knew that provided really reliable service was in the $100,000 per year range. I’m sure some of you either have blogs or know of bloggers who run sites on WP and have tech guys they are happy with. But please refer them only they have run multiple sites with 2 million page views or more per month and can provide 24/7 support. WP does not scale well, and running WP . . . "

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