What real social TV will look like

What real social TV will look like | VentureBeat: "To date, TV shows have done exactly that. Notwithstanding a few apps like GetGlue, social TV as we know it in 2012 is largely Twitter. In 2010, MTV set the bar with its excellent Twitter Tracker for the VMA Awards.  Since then, we’ve seen ever more variations on the concept. In fact, Twitter itself joined the trend–helping curate large live events including a partnership with NBC for the Olympics. But social TV must move beyond Facebook and Twitter for two reasons. First, in order to excite audiences and remain competitive over time, social TV apps must become more ambitious, more differentiated, more tightly woven together with the linear content, more game-like, more creatively sponsored and more central to the business case for the TV show itself. Second, as social TV becomes more integral to the business of television, social networks may represent more of a competitor than partner. . . "

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