Google Apps platform better and better

This company went Gmail because it's "cool" -- then discovered a surprising thing | CITEworld: "Where Schechtman's days used to be filled with worrying about having enough Exchange servers - and enough backup and disaster recovery capability to support them - for the growing company, he says Google makes it all easy enough to scale and add users that he has a lot more time to focus on projects outside of mere e-mail management. For instance, Quixote now uses Google Single Sign-On (SSO) to integrate identity across the company's Active Directory (AD) domain and Google Apps, and there are nascent plans to turn Google+ into the company's social intranet. Schechtman also praised Google's continual refinement and maturation of the Google Apps platform, finding that the stream of updates and tweaks to the platform are always for the better. "One of the great things about Google is that as we grow, Google is keeping up with us,"  Schechtman says."

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